Events for January 9, 2020 - April 13, 2019

APC September Meeting

Mesa F.O.P. Lodge #9 1450 E. Main St, Mesa, AZ, United States

Coyote Class - Shorten your learning curve Tips covering: How [...]

APC Sept. Club Hunt

Hunt where ever you like just make it to check-in [...]

APC October Meeting

Mesa F.O.P. Lodge #9 1450 E. Main St, Mesa, AZ, United States

Camo Class -How to Hide From the Predator You're Hunting [...]

APC Oct. Novice Hunt

Florence Junction

Pair up at the meeting and spend the day learning [...]

APC November Meeting

Mesa F.O.P. Lodge #9 1450 E. Main St, Mesa, AZ, United States

Here Kitty Kitty Kitty - Hunting the Bobcat Sneaky and [...]

APC Nov. Club Hunt

Florence Junction

Club hunt check in at the Florence Junction spot we [...]

December General Meeting

Mesa F.O.P. Lodge #9 1450 E. Main St, Mesa, AZ, United States

How To Best Save The Fur - Fur Prep We've [...]

January General Meeting

Mesa F.O.P. Lodge #9 1450 E. Main St, Mesa, AZ, United States

Rabies! Fox! Javelina! We will have Lolita Van Pelt Rabies [...]

Multi-Club Hunt

Due to the harmful actions towards participants from anti hunting [...]

Javelina Youth Camp

Annual youth hunting camp to expand upon the introduction of [...]

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