Mexican wolf recovery sees progress despite debate over underlying science

By James Goughnour

Vice Chairman

Arizona Game and Fish Commission

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) requires that the best available science is used in guiding recovery of America’s threatened and endangered species. While this is clear, what constitutes the best available science is often left unclear. Certainly this is the case with the Mexican wolf, as there are seemingly two different bodies of science, and depending on an individual or an organizational view, one of these sciences is tightly held and the other rejected.  READ MORE

Wolves, ranchers and the law

Cattlemen could “shoot, shovel and shut up,” but they say it’s not a long-term solution. Instead, they want the rest of Colorado to understand why they need lethal force to get rid of problem wolves.

North Park is ground zero in Colorado’s wolf controversy. Almost no one here supported the 2020 ballot measure to reintroduce wolves to the state. And now that the wolves have arrived on their own, wandering across the Wyoming state line and helping themselves to cattle, residents here are wondering whether the city dwellers who voted to bring back wolves will finally understand what they’ve been saying.  READ MORE