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The Real Lives of Predator Animals (Disney Movies Are Not Reality)

Arizona Predator Callers

Established in 1944

Controlling predator populations and creating responsible Arizona sportsmen

A partner for Arizona Ranchers 

Join Now!

Meetings Monthly on the 2nd Thursday

7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Fraternal Order of Police Lodge

1450 E. Main St Mesa

Due to the irrational threats and violent behavior displayed by many anti-hunters and anti-hunter groups most of our content is member restricted. We as ethical law-abiding sportmen have nothing to hide, however this fact is ignored and dismissed by those who claim to value life (except those of a hunter and his family and livelihood). To protect our members  only some of our content is public.

Articles and News

Anti-Sporting Dog Effort Dies in New Hampshire Committee

Training one’s hunting dog prior to taking it afield is an absolute necessity – ask any sportsman or woman. In New Hampshire and across the nation, dogs are a regular part of the hunting culture and play a vital role in several pursuits, including rabbit and snowshoe hare hunting. [...]

By |February 3rd, 2022|Categories: Anti Hunter News|Comments Off on Anti-Sporting Dog Effort Dies in New Hampshire Committee

Mexican Wolf Recovery

Mexican wolf recovery sees progress despite debate over underlying science By James Goughnour Vice Chairman Arizona Game and Fish Commission The Endangered Species Act (ESA) requires that the best available science is used in guiding recovery of America’s threatened and endangered species. While this is clear, what constitutes the [...]

By |February 2nd, 2022|Categories: Endangered Species|Comments Off on Mexican Wolf Recovery

Hunting bans

The future of big cat hunting in Colorado is being challenged. A bill was recently introduced in the state’s Senate that would ban the hunting of mountains, bobcats and other large cats in the state. Recent developments, however, suggest that the bill may be losing support. Bill SB22-031 prohibits the [...]

By |February 1st, 2022|Categories: Anti Hunter News, Hunting Bans|Comments Off on Hunting bans

Rep. Griffin’s HB2130, recreational users; property bill, or the “liability bill”

If enacted, this bill would exonerate a landowner from liability that may occur if a recreationist is using the property and is injured, in the absence of gross, malicious or willful negligence. The bill is going to be heard at 2 pm on Monday January 31, 2022 in the [...]

By |January 31st, 2022|Categories: How to be involved, Outdoor Recreation Trends|Comments Off on Rep. Griffin’s HB2130, recreational users; property bill, or the “liability bill”

Some current updates

ConserveAZ winter 2022 magazine. Arizona's conservation district news. READ HERE USDA Offers Expanded Conservation Program Opportunities to Support Climate-Smart Agriculture in 2022 Apply by February 18, 2022 for funding consideration in this ranking cycle PHOENIX, Arizona - January 12, 2022 – USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service in Arizona is accepting [...]

By |January 31st, 2022|Categories: Environmental, National Issues, Wildlife Conservation|Comments Off on Some current updates

Businesses that support anti-gun legislation

Here is the Citizen's Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arm's list of who not to do business with if you enjoy hunting fishing and shooting. Thought you might enjoy, be more informed and possible choose differently the next time you need something! The Article and The List    [...]

By |October 22nd, 2021|Categories: 2nd Ammendment, Economic Impact|Comments Off on Businesses that support anti-gun legislation

Amazon Smiles Benefits APC

Please use the link above when making Amazon purchases to benefit the Arizona Predator Callers. Amazon makes donations to 501c3 charitable organizations and APC has been a 501c3 charitable organization since November, 1944!

The donations are automatic if you  use the link, you make a purchase on Amazon, and Amazon makes a deposit into the APC checking account. If you do not use the link for your Amazon purchase you can select the APC legal corporate name “Mesa Varmint Callers” and Amazon will deposit the contribution into the APC checking account.

Prefer to do business with sportmen friendy businesses? There’s a directory for that!

Are you a business owner? Work for a sportsmen own business? Get them in the directory! Aportion of the advertising cost goes to APC and AZSFWC – the license plate people!

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