The court declares that William Perry Pendley served unlawfully as the Acting Director of the BLM Director

Last week, U.S. District Judge Brian Morris ruled Pendley’s role at the BLM was unlawful, terminating his tenure in a leadership role and nullifying actions taken while he was acting director. Pendley had served as BLM head for more than a year after multiple temporary appointments by Interior Secretary David Bernhardt. GO AZ has been consistent and vocal in our opposition to Pendley based on his long history of anti-public lands policy and the importance of those public lands to Arizona’s outdoor recreation economy, and in response to opposition from GO AZ and others, Pendley’s formal nomination for the post was withdrawn by the administration in late August.

Thanks to all of you who took the time to write letters, make phone calls, and sign our on-line petition. Your voices were heard and you have inflicted change for the good.

While Pendley is no longer in the role of Acting Director, he still holds an influential position within the BLM as the Deputy Director of Policy and Programs and the current administration reported that they will appeal the decision. GO AZ will continue to closely monitor the situation and will be at the ready to continue the fight to protect our public lands if needed.

America’s public lands belong to all of us regardless of our backgrounds or the size of our bank accounts and we will continue to work to protect them as a foundation of our outdoor recreation economy.